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Friday, April 23, 2010


Linux Basic File Permission File Directory Learn through simple screenshot

Linux Basic File Permission File Directory Learn through simple screenshot

  Linux permission it has the eight type , it contain the type, no of links, date and time…, ScreenShot 1
Access Permission - refer to the files, d refer to the directories, l refers to the link, p means process file, s means socket files, c is the character device Screen Shot 2.
Permission access mode for directory and files Depending upon read write execute it folder and file has the properties - Screen shot 5.
Numerical and Symbolic mode permission Numerical mode 456 Symbolic mode permission rwx - Screen shot 6.
Screenshot 1permission chmod Linux command Screen Shot 2
File and directory linux permission Screen Shot 3
Permission user group and other linux Screen shot 4
Screen shot 5
rwx read write execute permission linux Screen shot 6
Numerical mode symbolic mode linux permission


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